LOMBARDI’S Everett Marina. Reservations & Take Out Orders 425-252-1886. The world famous die cutting machines for labels, board, plastic cards. Find out more NEWSLETTER. Never miss a new product or events. Sign up for Lombardi emails. Welcome to Lombardi's World. You will die here, but you'll have some fun. You and your friends must band together to explore, complete puzzles, and fight enemies with the ultimate goal of defeating Chris Lombardi of Matador Records. The game takes place in a surreal world where Matador Records rules over all inhabitants.
Invite family, friends, or colleagues to Lombardi’s to celebrate your special
event in your own personal
dining space.
Our team will work with you to create that perfect menu for your occasion, tailoring it to your tastes
and your budget.
The Harbor Room at the Everett Marina boasts beautiful dockside water & sunset views, with seating for up to 50 guests. To see photos of the gorgeous Harbor Room or to request a quote for your
special event, please click below.
'We held a private dinner for our agency in their banquet room. The staff were incredible in just being able to accommodate our needs and making sure we were undisturbed. The room was beautiful overlooking the water and the food was fabulous! It was the best Italian food I've had.'
Trip Advisor review, March 2019
The Fireside Room at Lombardi’s in Mill Creek accommodates up to 50 guests
& features warm Tuscan colors with elegant chandelier lighting.
To see photos of the spacious Fireside Room or to request a quote
for your special event, please click below.
“We had a lovely rehearsal dinner for 30 people in Lombardi's private dining room. It all went smoothly thanks to Andrew and the staff -- from deciding the menu, accessing non-alcoholic wine, to adding our own decorations -- the process was simple even
from out of town.
Julie Scott-Mother of the Bride
Enjoy our elegant private dining room with seating up to 60.
Book our cozy Cellar Room for a family dinner, small business meeting,
or other intimate gatherings, with seating up to 15.
To see photos of our private dining spaces or to request a quote
for your special event, please Last year: the nightmare soundtrack download for mac os. click below.
We had our ceremony and reception at their new Bellingham location. Andrew and his team went above and beyond to ensure our wedding was better than expected. The venue was above and beyond our expectations- elegant and celebratory from the get go. All our guests raved about the food and drinks.
Helena - Bride
Home > Faculty & Staff Research and Creative Activity > 40
Exhibition/Gallery Showing
High + Low: A Forty-Five Year Retrospective of D. Dominick Lombardi
Art and Design
College of Humanities and Fine Arts
This catalog contains information about the exhibition High + Low, a 45-year retrospective curated by T. Michael Martin, featuring 20 distinct chapters of the art career of D. Dominick Lombardi. The common thread throughout his work is his interest in blending together qualities of highbrow and lowbrow art, and experimentation with various media. His life-long journey began with his exposure to modern art when he first saw a reproduction of Picasso’s Guernica(1939) at the age of 3 or 4, and continued with his introduction to the seductive world of Zapcomix in 1968.
The exhibition begins with the Cyborgs, a science fiction based series depicting half human/half machine beings. It continues through his East Villagedays, his earliest forays into sculpture and kinetic art, and the repurposing of a multitude of found materials. A pivotal point in his art career was the Post Apocalyptic Tattooseries, which was prompted by his concerns for the environment and how it would impact our future. After the downturn in the economy in 2008, he began the Street Urchinseries that focused on the marginalized victims of that era. Most recently he has explored the social issues of our time referencing the roots of human morality, which later moved him to the inner city street sticker craze as his stimulus.
The Clara M. Eagle Gallery is located on the campus of Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky. The exhibition opens August 15th, and runs through September 22nd, 2019.
Martin, T. Michael, 'High + Low: A Forty-Five Year Retrospective of D. Dominick Lombardi' (2019). Faculty & Staff Research and Creative Activity. 40.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Fine Arts Commons, Interdisciplinary Arts and Media Commons, Painting Commons, Sculpture Commons
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