The PlayScore 2 sheet music scanner takes traditional sheet music scanning to the next level, using the latest techniques in Optical Music Recognition

The App That Sight Reads Sheet Music

Explore the universe of Plug & Play, an interactive animation drawn by Michael Frei and coded by Mario von Rickenbach. An unashamedly surreal play with plugs. An unashamedly surreal play with plugs. The Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocol is an improvement over the earlier 'plug-and-pray' standard, which is a different technology. Devices that use UPnP announce their presence when they're.

Play my Part ™

Mute any combination of staves. Listen to any combination of parts. Play whole PDF scores and export as MusicXML


Orchestrate your score with 18 high quality instruments

Want to build sheet music recognition into your app?

See ourdeveloper pagefor details

PlayScore 2 understands all the symbols of standard music notation and can play all kinds of sheet music and scores.
PlayScore 2 can read scores with systems of many staffs such as SATB vocal scores and chamber music as well as piano music and songs.

How To Scan Score

Download the free PlayScore 2 app

Take A Picture

Play The Music

PlayScore 2 plays my accompaniment

App for Music Teachers

PlayScore 2 is the Ideal for music teachers because using PlayScore 2, music students can hear assignments at home as they should sound. And whatever the instrument.

Play-my-part feature taught me the alto part

App for Singers

PlayScore 2 lets you learn your part in any choral score. Listen to a single part or any combination of parts in a song with PlayScore 2, the ideal choir practice app.

PlayScore 2 Music Accompaniment App

PlayScore 2 is the ideal practice accompanist. If you play an instrument like an violin or the flute, you can simply take a snap of your music and have PlayScore 2 play the accompaniment, fast or slow while you practise your own part.

PlayScore 2 can help you practise difficult passages and rhythms, and you can play along to PlayScore 2 at any tempo, repeating tricky passages as often as you need.

Music Minus One

Select or mute any combination of staffs. Have PlayScore 2 play just your part (eg alto), or everything except your part so you can sing along and hear the whole effect.

Choose any combination of instruments.

Music Sight Reading App

PlayScore 2 the sheet music reader app helps you learn to sight read music. PlayScore 2 can sight-read sheet music and show you exactly how it should sound. Listen to selected passages fast, slow or in a loop.

Orchestrate Your Score

Choose from 18 high quality instruments per staff.

PlayScore 2 is perfect for teaching music theory. Beginning with Associated Board Grade I right up to Grade VIII, just snap any music exercise for students to check pitch and rhythm in their own study time.

PlayScore 2 will pick out musical examples from a book, so you can play back exercises, stopping and starting as you go.

From Anywhere

From a file, from the web, from your own library, from IMSLP, from anywhere!

You can snap in portrait or in landscape. You can capture little music snippets from a book.

To Anywhere

Because PlayScore 2 exports MusicXML as well as MIDI, you can open your scores in virtually any notation program, on the Mac and PC as well as on your favourite device. This means that as well as playing your score you can edit it, transpose it and arrange it for new instruments. Even print out parts.

‘PlayScore 2 is an excellent app for music students at all levels’

This is one app I won’t change! – Really amazed at what they detect!

‘Play Score is an exciting new development which will benefit performers, composers and teachers in a variety of different ways. The chance to quickly hear what is on a page of music will surely be a great help to us all’

PlayScore 2 just might be the most impressive app in the entire App Store. Up until now optical music recognition was very unreliable, even on a high powered PC. PlayScore 2 is a game changer. Whenever I show it to musicians their jaws drop in disbelief. It not only works with sheet music, it works with images off of a monitor as well. This latest version is even 100% accurate with screenshots from my new IPad Pro. This is a must have app for every musician.

When most adults think about exercise, they imagine working out in the gym, running on a treadmill, or lifting weights.

But for kids, exercise means playing and being physically active. Kids exercise when they have gym class at school, during recess, at dance class or soccer practice, while riding bikes, or when playing tag.

The Many Benefits of Exercise

Everyone can benefit from regular exercise. Active kids will have: Dr. pills crack cocaine.

  • stronger muscles and bones
  • leaner bodies
  • less risk of becoming overweight
  • a lower chance of getting type 2 diabetes
  • lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
  • a better outlook on life

Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, fit kids sleep better. They're also better able to handle physical and emotional challenges — from running to catch a bus to studying for a test.

The Three Elements of Fitness

If you've ever watched kids on a playground, you've seen the three elements of fitness in action when they:

  1. run away from the kid who's 'it' (endurance)
  2. cross the monkey bars (strength)
  3. bend down to tie their shoes (flexibility)

Parents should encourage their kids to do a variety of activities so that they can work on all three elements.

Endurance develops when kids regularly get aerobic activity. During aerobic exercise, large muscles are moving, the heart beats faster, and a person breathes harder. Aerobic activity strengthens the heart and improves the body's ability to deliver oxygen to all its cells.

Aerobic exercise can be fun for both adults and kids. Aerobic activities include:

  • ice skating
  • inline skating
  • soccer
  • swimming
  • tennis
  • walking
  • jogging
  • running

Improving strength doesn't have to mean lifting weights. Instead, kids can do push-ups, stomach crunches, pull-ups, and other exercises to help tone and strengthen muscles. They also improve their strength when they climb, do a handstand, or wrestle.

Stretching exercises help improve flexibility, allowing muscles and joints to bend and move easily through their full range of motion. Kids get chances every day to stretch when they reach for a toy, practice a split, or do a cartwheel.

The Sedentary Problem

Kids and teens are sitting around a lot more than they used to. They spend hours every day in front of a screen (TVs, smartphones, tablets, and other devices) looking at a variety of media (TV shows, videos, movies, games). Too much screen time and not enough physical activity add to the problem of childhood obesity.

One of the best ways to get kids to be more active is to limit the amount of time spent in sedentary activities, especially watching TV or other screens. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents:

My Exercise + Kids + Plug & Play For Mac Os

  • Put limits on the time spent using media, which includes TV, social media, and video games. Media should not take the place of getting enough sleep and being active.
  • Limit screen time to 1 hour a day or less for children 2 to 5 years old.
  • Discourage any screen time, except video-chatting, for kids younger than 18 months.
  • Choose high-quality programming and watch it with your kids to help them understand what they're seeing.
  • Keep TVs, computers, and video games out of children's bedrooms.
  • Turn off screens during mealtimes.

How Much Exercise Is Enough?

Parents should make sure that their kids get enough exercise. So, how much is enough? Kids and teens should get 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.

Toddlers and preschool children should play actively several times a day. Toddlers should get at least 60 minutes active play every day and preschoolers should have at least 120 minutes active play every day. This time should include planned, adult-led physical activity and unstructured active free play.

Young children should not be inactive for long periods of time — no more than 1 hour unless they're sleeping. And school-age children should not be inactive for periods longer than 2 hours.

Raising Fit Kids

Combining regular physical activity with a healthy diet is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some tips for raising fit kids:

  • Help your kids do in a variety of age-appropriate activities.
  • Set a regular schedule for physical activity.
  • Make being active a part of daily life, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Embrace a healthier lifestyle yourself, so you'll be a positive role model for your family.
  • Be active together as a family.
  • Keep it fun, so your kids will come back for more.

My Exercise + Kids + Plug & Play For Macbook Pro

Date reviewed: June 2018